Thursday, September 17, 2015

Smart Card Laundry Equipment

Smart Card Laundry EquipmentIf you are a business owner or the owner of a multi-housing rental property who is tech-savvy and in need of a commercial laundry space, then listen to this. While coin-operated commercial laundry equipment is still a great option for earning additional revenue and also meeting the needs of your occupants, there is another option for those who like to keep up on the latest in technology. Smart card laundry equipment is an ideal choice for property owners who are not on-site regularly to collect coins and who prefer a digital record of transactions, making bookkeeping a breeze. Regardless of which system you choose, there is no doubting that an on-site commercial laundry facility is of utmost importance when trying to secure potential tenants. In addition, it is a great tool for preserving tenant retention.

When surveyed, most renters do not want to travel far from home in order to launder their family’s clothing. Many renters will also specifically make their decision on two competing properties based on available amenities. In fact, according to a recent study by The National Multi Housing Council, 88% of renters interviewed state they consider an on-site commercial laundry facility as very important when comparing potential properties. Having a laundry area close by was also in the interviewee’s top three desired amenities!
If you have made the decision to equip your multi-housing rental property with an on-site laundry facility, you have come to the right place. Commercial Laundries is an industry leader and has helped customers throughout South Florida for decades. Our customers include apartment complexes, commercial businesses, senior housing, condominiums and more. Installing an on-site laundry area is a great way to generate additional income and also offered a desired amenity. Many of our customers have taken advantage of our smart card laundry equipment systems. They are simple to use, less hassle and decrease time commitments for property owners who have hectic schedules. If you are debating between smart card and coin-operating laundry equipment, here are a few things to keep in mind:
  1. Offer the Latest in Technology - If you have a property that is technology driven, or you cater to a younger demographic, a smart card laundry facility would be an ideal choice. Not only does it make the laundry process as easy as possible for your occupants, but it removes the responsibility of having to carry large amounts of cash or coins around. With our smart card laundry system, a CleanPay Kiosk will be set up inside your laundry area. In addition, control units will be attached to each washer and dryer, and smart cards will be given to each occupant. Tenants will fill their smart card with money via the Kiosk using their credit or debit card. Then, when it comes time to do a cycle of laundry, one swipe of the smart card in the control unit is all it takes.
  2. Free Up Your Time – Many property owners will share there is not enough time in the day to get everything accomplished. Free up your time and have one less thing to worry about when you install smart card washers and dryers. Say goodbye to constant coin collection and having to worry if someone has tampered with, broken or stolen your coin slides. Smart card systems have no moving parts. In addition, the CleanPay Kiosk provides you with a digital trail regarding transactions, making your bookkeeping process quicker and more efficient.
  3. Increase Your Revenue - Having an on-site laundry facility is a great way to increase your revenue. To add price increases on a coin-operated system, the increments are noticeable to tenants. However, with a smart card system you can add small increments on specific load sizes, or during certain times of the day or week that often go unnoticed. You can also forgo revenue loss with this type of technology. Often times with coin-operated machines, slugs or foreign coins can be used, causing you to lose revenue. With a smart card system, all of these negative scenarios are removed.
These are just a glimpse of the benefits smart card laundry equipment can offer you. Talk to one of our expert team members today to learn about installing an on-site laundry facility in your property.
Contact Commercial Laundries today at 1.855.254.WASH (9274) and start generating additional income immediately with a smart card laundry facility!

1 comment:

  1. As a student, I have to agree with this article on card operated washing machines. This is embarrassing, but I never had to do my own laundry until I moved out, so I had no idea how to do it. The first time I tried to use a coin operated system, it took me a good chunk of time to figure it out, so I definitely agree about the "easy as possible for your occupants" part. Next time I have the chance, I will definitely suggest this to our landlord!
